Daily Shower
Daily Shower is a show that explores the fragmentation of how life is actually lived. Using the metaphor of everyday discarded and overlooked materials, the work transforms these materials into meditative compositions exploring this fragmentation. The complexity and breadth of what is lived in each single day is staggering. All of the events, situations or states of mind one experiences – joyful or catastrophic – can only be lived in one-day increments and what one experiences within those days is further fragmented into bits of experience of overriding events as well as those of everyday living. As such, the mundane and the exceptional are lived side by side in much the same way – each single day’s experience an amalgam of tiny strips of experiences across a wide spectrum of issues, events, activities and emotions.
Artist Statement:
In my work, I often explore elements of truth and our relationship to it – and I use metaphors and meditations to reveal things that often go unnoticed or unspoken. In this show, I wanted to capture the complexity and layering that we as human beings are able to live out and live with on a continual, day-to-day basis. To do this, I focused on pieces that are made from everyday materials and that forced me to be mindful of the work on a daily basis over the course of one year. During the past year, I created and saved and assembled bits of these daily items each day for a year, up to the day before the show opened.
A note of thanks…
I would like to thank the following people who’s support and expertise allowed me to do this work…
•My art assistants who helped hammer, paint, saw, drill, clip, twist, and clean a wide variety of materials: Noah Johnson, Oscar Chiu de Margerie, Celeste Chiu de Margerie
•Frederic Chiu, my husband, friend and partner in all things creative who supports me with everything and who did such an amazing job of hanging the show
•The expert video and sound design and production of Aerostatic: Terry Golob and Michelle Darling
•Friends who collected broken glass, lint and plastic packaging – no questions asked.
•The 30 people who dared to share their secrets, lies, truths and revelations
Works included:
Flat Out
Domestic Flashpoint
Lip Service - includes video
Daily Wear
Fossil Wall
Accumulated Losses
Necessary Cuts - includes video